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Frequently Asked Questions

What is deuterium?

Deuterium, a.k.a. heavy hydrogen, is a naturally occurring variation of hydrogen. The atomic nucleus of hydrogen consists of one proton only, but the deuterium nucleus contains one proton and one neutron. This considerable, twofold mass difference causes significant differences in the physical and chemical properties of hydrogen and deuterium.

How high is the deuterium content of living organisms?

The deuterium content of living organisms is determined primarily by the deuterium level of oceanic water and of precipitation arriving at the ground. Deuterium level in precipitation decreases from the Equator to the North and South Pole, from the oceans into the continents, and in proportion with increasing elevation. In our climatic zone, deuterium content of the surface waters is 140-150 ppm with little variability.
The human body consists prevailingly of water, but the proportion of water decreases with age. Considering that ca. 60% of our body is water, and that organic compounds also contain deuterium, the concentration of deuterium in the human organism is 12 to 14 mmol/L, several fold higher than the normal level of other physiologically important elements such as calcium, potassium or magnesium.

How can deuterium content be determined?

The deuterium content of Vetera-DDW-25 is 25 ppm, by far lower than the natural value. Deuterium content of water is normally given in ppm (parts per million) units, which shows how many in one million hydrogen atoms are deuterium, or how many in one million water (H2O) molecules are heavy water (D2O). Deuterium content can be measured by mass spectrometry and laser-based techniques.

By what procedure can we decrease deuterium level in water?

Deuterium-depleted water is produced by an energy-demanding technology based on differences in the physicochemical properties of normal water (H2O) and heavy water (D2O). Due to a boiling point difference of merely 1.5°C, the concentration of heavy water (of higher boiling point) is lower in the vapor phase, and this fact is utilized for producing deuterium-depleted water. By repeating evaporation several times in so-called distillation columns, the deuterium content of water can be reduced to any level.

Does any undesired change in the composition of Vetera-DDW-25 take place if the animal does not consume the poured out amount for a long time?

Twenty-four hours after being poured out, the composition of the product can undergo undesired changes, so it is suggested not to use it after that time. Be sure to close the bottle firmly after every use.

Can the animal consume normal drinking water during the treatment?

Beyond the amount given in the dosing suggestions, the pet can also consume water of normal deuterium content.

Are any side effects expected?

The veterinary anti-tumor preparation Vetera-DDW-25 with reduced deuterium content has been demonstrated to have no harmful or toxic side effects. Since its authorization in 1999, the competent authority received no reports of side effects, undesired events or lack of efficacy. Animals consume Vetera-DDW-25 willingly and tolerate the treatment well. Lassitude and drowsiness can appear during application, but these recede or disappear in 2-3 weeks. In case of lack of appetite lasting several days, if not accompanied with febrile state, the dose should be halved for 3-4 days.

Carbonated or non-carbonated?

Mineral waters and drinking waters are available in carbonated and non-carbonated form. It is important to know that the two variations have approximately the same mineral content, therefore there is no significant difference between them as regards acid-base balance in the organism. Added carbon dioxide contributes to the long-term stability of the quality of waters.

What is the principle of action of Vetera-DDW-25?

Results of the latest research showed that decreasing the level of deuterium is a natural biochemical process and belongs to the normal cell functions. In healthy cells, this process functions properly, but in cancer cells the process is damaged and cannot secure the level of deuterium depletion typical for healthy cells. This natural system is the target of the deuterium depleting procedure. By changing the deuterium level of drinking water below the natural level, deuterium content in the body can be kept low even if the said natural cell physiological process is dysfunctioning.

Where can Vetera-DDW-25 be purchased?

The veterinary anti-tumor preparation Vetera-DDW-25 can be bought in our shop (Villányi út 97., Budapest, H-1118); be ordered in our webshop, or purchased via suppliers of veterinary products in Hungary.

In what areas has the effect of deuterium depletion been investigated?

Research results of the last decades proved the special role of deuterium in the regulation of cell division and cellular metabolism. By depleting deuterium, the growth of cancer cells can be inhibited and the metabolic pathways typical for cancer cells, influenced. The latest scientific results and clinical experiences also showed that applying deuterium depletion is a promising new way in the treatment of metabolic diseases including diabetes. In a clinical study, deuterium depletion raised the level of HDL, the “good” cholesterol, by 30%. Independent studies abroad confirmed the beneficial effect of deuterium-depleted water on blood lipids. Novel results showed beneficial influence of deuterium depletion also on susceptibility to depression. In animal experiments, deuterium-depleted water had positive effect on long-term memory, and its anti-aging effect has also been published. Beyond all these fields of effect, further positive physiological effects of deuterium depletion have been revealed in sports medicine investigations.


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